房地产 阅读时间:4分钟



A will enables you to specify who you want to inherit your property and other assets. A will also enable you to name a guardian for your minor children.


Healthcare documents spell out your wishes for 健康 care if you become unable to make medical decisions for yourself. They also authorize a person to make decisions on your behalf if that should prove necessary. 这些文件可能包括生前遗嘱, 授权书协议, and a durable power of attorney agreement for 健康care.


Certain financial documents can outline your financial wishes. If you become unable to make decisions for yourself, these financial documents can be structured to empower a person to make decisions on your behalf. These documents may include joint ownership, durable power of attorney, and living trusts.



在某些情况下, naming a beneficiary for bank accounts and retirement plans makes these accounts “payable on death” to your beneficiaries. In other cases, you will need to fill out a “Payable on Death” form.

Do you have the right amount and type of life insurance?

When was the last time you assessed your life insurance coverage? Have you compared the life insurance benefit with your financial obligations? Keep in mind that several factors will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, 包括年龄, 健康, 以及所购买保险的种类和金额. 人寿保险单 have expenses, including mortality and other charges. 如果保单过早放弃, the policyholder may also pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.

Have you taken steps to manage your federal estate tax?

如果你和你的配偶有超过27美元.2200万美元资产(2024年), you may want to consider taking steps to manage federal estate taxes, 第二个配偶死后该付哪个.1


你有接班人计划吗? If you own a business with others, you may also want to consider a buyout agreement.


A letter of instruction is a non-legal document that outlines your wishes. 一个强大的, 写得好的信可以节省你继承人的时间, 努力, 以及他们管理你财产的费用.

Will your heirs be able to locate your critical documents?

Your heirs may need access to the specific documents you have created to manage your estate. 这些文件可能包括:

  • 你的意志
  • 信托文件
  • 人寿保险单
  • Deeds to any real estate, and certificates for stocks, bonds, annuities
  • Information on your financial accounts and safe deposit boxes
  • love爱博体育app下载你退休计划的信息
  • Information on any debts you have: credit cards, mortgages, and loans.

Note: Power of attorney laws can vary from state to state. An estate strategy that includes trusts may involve a complex web of tax rules and regulations. Consider working with a knowledgeable estate management professional before implementing such strategies.

1. 国税局.政府,2024

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by love爱博体育app下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or 出售任何证券. 版权 love爱博体育app下载.


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